Frequently asked questions.
There aren’t many questions here. Is this really the FAQs page?
Yes, yes it is. We don’t really have many frequently asked questions yet, but we have received some questions. So, it’s less of an FAQs page, and more of an AQs page… but at least it’s something, hopefully it’s helpful!
What kind of paper do you use?
For all original maps, we use Arnhem acid-free paper, 245g weight. However, we currently order our map prints from Staples, so the heavyweight and super heavyweight paper used in the prints is just whatever they have in stock when we make an order.
Can I customize an existing map to include places that are special to me?
Yes! We have a Customizations page here where you can request special edits to existing prints. Prices are set based on the amount of editing you would like done.
Do you ship internationally?
Yes we do! We have two international shipping options: first-class mail, and priority shipping.
Just a warning, due to COVID-19 and some unknown issues, we have experienced problems with shipping to Czechia. We have had two customers report that it took nearly 3 months for their order to arrive. In one instance, our customer never received their map, and we still aren’t sure what happened to it. We have not had this much trouble shipping to any other country yet, so we are hopeful that whatever the issue is, it will be resolved in the near future.